Results for 'Samuel Miklos Stern'

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  1.  9
    Medieval Arabic and Hebrew thought.Samuel Miklos Stern - 1983 - London: Variorum Reprints. Edited by F. W. Zimmermann.
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    Aristotle on the world state.Samuel Miklos Stern - 1968 - Columbia,: University of South Carolina Press.
  3. An Embassy of the Byzantine Emperor to the Fatimid Caliph al-Mu'izz.Samuel M. Stern - 1950 - Byzantion 20:239-58.
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  4. Abu Isa ibn al-Munajjim's Chronography.Samuel M. Stern - 1972 - In Richard Walzer, S. M. Stern, Albert Hourani & Vivian Brown, Islamic philosophy and the classical tradition. Columbia,: University of South Carolina Press. pp. 437--466.
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    A number theory for the seminaturals.Samuel T. Stern - 1969 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 15 (26-29):401-410.
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    Isaac Israeli: A Neoplatonic Philosopher of the Early Tenth Century.Alexander Altmann & Samuel M. Stern (eds.) - 1958 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Recognized as one of the earliest Jewish neo-Platonist writers, Isaac ben Solomon Israeli influenced Muslim, Jewish, and Christian scholars through the Middle Ages. A native of Egypt who wrote in Arabic, Israeli explored definitions of such terms as imagination, sense-perception, desire, love, creation, and “coming-to-be” in his writings. This classic volume contains English translations of Israeli’s philosophical writings, including the _Book of Definitions_, the _Book of Substances,_ and the _Book on Spirit and Soul_. Additionally, _Isaac Israeli_ features a biographical sketch (...)
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  7. Russian-English Technical and Chemical Dictionary.Ludmilla Ignatiev Callaham, James S. Gregory, D. W. Shave, Ernest J. Simmons, Bernhard J. Stern & Samuel Smith - 1947 - Science and Society 11 (3):291-295.
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    Belief in a just God (and a just society): A system justification perspective on religious ideology.John T. Jost, Carlee Beth Hawkins, Brian A. Nosek, Erin P. Hennes, Chadly Stern, Samuel D. Gosling & Jesse Graham - 2014 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 34 (1):56-81.
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    Competitors.Samuel Guttenplan - 2005 - In Samuel D. Guttenplan, Objects of metaphor. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Three recent and important accounts of metaphor are discussed in detail. These are: Stern’s Demonstrative account, White’s Conflated Sentence account, and Fogelin’s Simile account. What is right and wrong with these accounts can best be understood from the perspective of the Semantic Descent account, and the materials in this chapter provide some indirect further support for this account.
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  10. Kripke's Second Paragraph of Philosophical Investigations 201.Samuel Weir - 2007 - Philosophical Investigations 30 (2):172–178.
    The received view of Kripke's Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language is that it fails as an interpretation because, inter alia, it ignores or overlooks what Wittgenstein has to say in the second paragraph of Philosophical Investigations 201. In this paper, I demonstrate that the paragraph in question is in fact fully accommodated within Kripke's reading, and cannot therefore be reasonably utilised to object to it. -/- In part one I characterise the objection; in part two I explain why it (...)
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    Scepticism and Literature: An Essay on Pope, Hume, Sterne, and Johnson.Fred Parker - 2003 - Oxford University Press.
    In this first study of the role of scepticism in literature, Fred Parker offers a lively and stimulating introduction to key issues in eighteenth-century literature and philosophy. Parker traces the presence of sceptical thinking in works by Pope, Hume, Sterne, and Johnson, relates it more broadly to the social self-consciousness of eighteenth-century culture, and discusses its source in Locke and its inspiration in Montaigne.
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  12. Joachim Möller and Bernd Krysmanski (eds.), Creative Reception: John Locke's Impact on Literature and Pictorial Art.Bernd Krysmanski & Joachim Möller - 2024 - Dinslaken: Krysman Press.
    The authors of this volume — all of them recognized representatives of a wide range of academic disciplines — agree that Locke’s work must have had a considerable influence both on English and German literature and the visual arts of Great Britain, especially in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. From the perspective of interdisciplinarity and intertextuality, the essays presented here deal with Locke as a source of ideas for Archibald Alison, John Constable, Daniel Defoe, Henry Fielding, Oliver Goldsmith, Johann Timotheus (...)
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  13. Models of memory: Wittgenstein and cognitive science.David G. Stern - 1991 - Philosophical Psychology 4 (2):203-18.
    The model of memory as a store, from which records can be retrieved, is taken for granted by many contemporary researchers. On this view, memories are stored by memory traces, which represent the original event and provide a causal link between that episode and one's ability to remember it. I argue that this seemingly plausible model leads to an unacceptable conception of the relationship between mind and brain, and that a non‐representational, connectionist, model offers a promising alternative. I also offer (...)
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  14. Counterfactuals and Abduction.Samuel Cumming - 2021 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 8.
    We argue that counterfactuals and indicative conditionals are not so different. Certain notorious differences previously observed between pairs of indicative and counterfactual sentences are actually due to the presence of an anti-abductive modal auxiliary (would) in the consequent of the counterfactual. But such auxiliaries, of which will is another example, span the counterfactual-indicative divide.
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  15. Über die Freiheit als Gegenstand und Voraussetzung philosophischen Denkens.Hans Stern - 1931 - Würzburg,:
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  16. Über das Haben.Günther Stern - 1928 - Bonn,: F. Cohen.
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    Unending modernity.David S. Stern - 1995 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 38 (3):277 – 288.
    I contend that though Pippin argues persuasively that the most trenchant critics of modernity ? Nietzsche and Heidegger ? failed to break free of modernity, it remains unclear whether the unending character of modernity is thereby defended as an unfinished project, or rather is a fate to which we are condemned. The thesis of my paper is that the ambiguity is traceable to Pippin's Hegelian narrative of legitimation. On his view, the demands of modern self?consciousness inaugurated by Kant and radicalized (...)
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    Was jüdische Philosophie sein könnte (wenn es sie gäbe).Josef Stern - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2017 (2):7-30.
    In a classic paper, Leon Roth asked »Is there a Jewish Philosophy?« to which he replied No. In this paper, focusing on the case of Medieval Jewish Philosophy, I argue, first, that we cannot characterize Jewish philosophy in terms of the identity, religious or secular, of its philosophers, in terms of a language in which it was written or conducted, in terms of a particular style or school, or in terms of content: as philosophy specifically of Judaism the religion. I (...)
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    Wittgenstein on Ethical Concepts: A Reading of Philosophical Investigations §77 and Moore’s Lecture Notes, May 1933.David G. Stern - 2013 - In Martin G. Weiss & Hajo Greif, Ethics, society, politics: proceedings of the 35th International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, 2012. Boston: De Gruyter Ontos. pp. 55-68.
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    Documents from Islamic Chanceries.Norman Itzkowitz & S. M. Stern - 1966 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 86 (4):436.
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    On global order: Power, values, and the constitution of international society - by Andrew Hurrell.Samuel M. Makinda - 2009 - Ethics and International Affairs 23 (2):211-213.
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    The Role of the Messenger and Message in the Ancient near East.Samuel A. Meier & John T. Greene - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (4):752.
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    Li Livres du Gouvernment des Rois.Samuel Paul Molenaer - 1899 - Philosophical Review 8 (5):551-553.
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    Index.Samuel Andrew Shearn & Russell Re Manning - 2017 - In Samuel Andrew Shearn & Russell Re Manning, Returning to Tillich: Theology and Legacy in Transition. De Gruyter. pp. 217-222.
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    Letters on London Society and Social Reform.Samuel Smith - 1905
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  26. Works.Samuel Eugene Stevens - 1908 - New York [etc.]:
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    Part II. Shadows in Knowledge: Plato's Misunderstanding of and Shadows, of Knowledge as Shadow-Free.Samuel Todes - 1975 - In Don Ihde & Richard M. Zaner, Dialogues in phenomenology. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff. pp. 94--113.
  28. A philosophical solution of the cause of causes.Samuel A. Motheral - 1920 - New York: [Printed by Call printing company.
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    La recherche opérationnelle et la décision.Samuel Gonard - 1958 - Genève,: E. Droz.
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    The development of modern neurological thinking in the 1860s.Samuel H. Greenblatt - 1991 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 35 (1):129.
  31. Plato's Enlightenment: The Good as the Sun.Samuel Wheeler Iii - 1997 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 14:171-188.
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    Malthus and the Idea of Progress.Samuel M. Levin - 1966 - Journal of the History of Ideas 27 (1):92.
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  33. Creative Man. The Romanes Lecture 1947.Viscount Samuel - 1948 - Philosophy 23 (84):83-84.
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    On Unity.Samuel Levey - 2003 - Philosophical Topics 31 (1-2):245-275.
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    A metafísica da experiência em Leonardo Coimbra: estudo sobre a dialéctica criacionista da razão mistérica.Samuel Dimas - 2012 - Lisboa: Universidade Católica Editora.
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    Administration of Public Education in the United States.Samuel Train Dutton & David Snedden - 1909 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 6 (17):473-474.
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    Compulsory Schooling as Preventative Defense.Samuel D. Rocha - 2013 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 32 (6):613-621.
    The question whether compulsory schooling is justifiable or not has been treated at considerable length by critics, defenders, and positions in-between. What these treatments—about paternalism and autonomy and institutionalization and more—have not directly analyzed is a question that precedes the issue of overall justification: the preliminary question of time. Does it matter when compulsion takes place? Furthermore, does the timing of compulsion matter to the question of overall justification? I will argue that it does matter, but for reasons not directly (...)
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    The Philosophy of Freedom: Ideological Origins of the Bill of Rights.Samuel B. Rudolph - 1993 - Upa.
    To find more information on Rowman & Littlefield titles, please visit us at
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  39. An Interview with Lance Olsen.Ben Segal - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):40-43.
    continent. 2.1 (2012): 40–43. Lance Olsen is a professor of Writing and Literature at the University of Utah, Chair of the FC2 Board of directors, and, most importantly, author or editor of over twenty books of and about innovative literature. He is one of the true champions of prose as a viable contemporary art form. He has just published Architectures of Possibility (written with Trevor Dodge), a book that—as Olsen's works often do—exceeds the usual boundaries of its genre as it (...)
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  40. Person und Sache ; Erster Band : Ableitung und Grundlehre.L. William Stern - 1908 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 66:187-191.
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  41. Theories of the Unconscious and Theories of the Self.Robert Stern (ed.) - 1987 - Analytic Press.
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    The Left Case for Brexit. Reflections on the Current Crisis.Samuel Garrett Zeitlin - 2021 - Contemporary Political Theory 20 (2):75-77.
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    In Defence of Individualism.Samuel Brittan - 2000 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 45:7-21.
    There are many writers and critics who regard what they call ‘individualist-liberalism’ as the root of many of the evils of the modern world; and the emphasis of their attack is on the individualist half of the term. Those who take this line nowadays often call them-selves ‘communitarians’. I would prefer to call them collectivists, as that brings out their dangerous tendency to regard the group as more important than the individuals of whom it is composed. But in what follows (...)
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    Charles Darwin and other English thinkers.Samuel Parkes Cadman - 1911 - Freeport, N.Y.,: Books for Libraries Press.
    "Let him, therefore, who would arrive at a knowledge of nature, train his moral sense; let him act and conceive in accordance with the noble essence of his ...
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    La supervivencia de la creatividad Y la pasión Del científico.Samuel Castillo - 2011 - Theoria: Revista Ciencia, Arte y Humanidades 20 (2):5-6.
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  46. (1 other version)Dynamic Context Generation for Natural Language Understanding: A Multifaceted Knowledge Approach.Samuel W. K. Chan - unknown
    ��We describe a comprehensive framework for text un- derstanding, based on the representation of context. It is designed to serve as a representation of semantics for the full range of in- terpretive and inferential needs of general natural language pro- cessing. Its most distinctive feature is its uniform representation of the various simple and independent linguistic sources that play a role in determining meaning: lexical associations, syntactic re- strictions, case-role expectations, and most importantly, contextual effects. Compositional syntactic structure from a (...)
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    Mario Ascheri, Le città-stato. (L'Identità Italiana, 46.) Bologna: Il Mulino, 2006. Paper. Pp. 216. €13.50.Samuel Cohn - 2007 - Speculum 82 (4):956-957.
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  48. The philosophical lectures.Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1949 - London,: Pilot Press.
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    “Begotten” and “Created”. The Synod of Ancyra (358 C.E.) on the Perfect Birth of the Son of God.Samuel Fernández - 2021 - Augustinianum 61 (1):9-23.
    The present article seeks to reconstruct the Christological meaning of the verbs “creating” and “begetting” in the Synodical letter of Ancyra (358). In order to assess the teaching of this document, the first part of the article provides an overview of the Christological use of “creating” and “begetting” from the beginning of the Arian crisis up to the eve of the synod of Ancyra. The second part studies the verbs “creating” and “begetting” in the Letter of Ancyra. The synodical document (...)
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    Chapter five. Self-interest.Samuel Fleischacker - 2004 - In On Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations: A Philosophical Companion. Princeton University Press. pp. 84-103.
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